Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. The game features a fantasy-based open world environment and action based battle system, using elemental fire power. The game Genshin Impact is growing so rapidly that every one wants to try this game. But not every device can handle the Large 5 gigabyte game. The game is huge and the content available is unbelievable for a mobile device. Due to the rapidly growing players base people owning every device wants to play the game, By doing the presented tips and tricks I assure you that you will be able to play the game slightly better then before.
Starting from the basic.
1)Graphics Quality:
Present graphics quality on the game are :
- Lowest
- Low
- Medium
- High
- Highest
- Custom
Here the settings you should apply varies depending on your device. If your device is very old do not depend on the recommended settings provided from the game. Graphics is particularly placed on high by default. We should obviously change it. If you try to change FPS from 30 to 60 your CPU will go on overload. So on conclusion if you are a Fps guy try playing on Lowest graphics. Do not put the fps to 60. The game is playable on 30 fps with no stutters.
2)Visual Quality:
Graphics quality referred to the increment of Overall Fps, but from the term visual Quality I am referring to deeper terms such as render resolution, shadow quality, motion blur etc. On this article I am going to share you my personal information.
a) Render Resolution:
Render resolution refers to the render your machine does when you are looking on a particular direction. For example if you are looking north, How far is your device capable of showing or on technical term rendering. The less rendering resolution the more fps and less lagging you get. As the rendering resolution decreases the video resolution of the game also decreases, As a result the Fps increases.
b) Shadow:
Shadow is one of the most complex task for your device to perform. The game has to handle your movement and on the same time and same manner it has to coordinate your shadow to the movement of your character's body. For the betterment of your experience i suggest you to make it low.
c) SFX Quality:
SFX refers to the sound quality of the game. Though the sound has not that big of a role of lag problems, But the use of the highest quality of sound or instrument format can surely affect the performance of your device on an indirect way. For the SFX quality I suggest you not to increase further from lowest.
d) Motion Blur:
Motion Blur refers to the blur effect which happens every time you move. Even slight movement can trigger the motion blur. I agree that motion blur looks cool and all but trust me, The motion blur is a bad choice. This not only affect your eyes, The motion blur indirectly affect your gameplay as well.
3)FPS Matters?:
This is a Gacha game. This game is all about farming and grinding to make your character look and perform good while holding a top level stat of your own. From my personal the fps does not matter that much. Obviously 5 FPS is worst but gaining at least 30 fps constant is enough to enjoy the game. If your device is good enough or new then go for 60 FPS. But the older version of the android do even think of 60 fps. This only damages your processor. 30 fps is just a sweet spot for sweet gameplay.
4) Sculpture Lag:
I guess you have experienced when you move to a large area or area where there are many building or Mondast city area, The lag or Fps drop reaches to its maximum. On those areas either look on the sky or the ground and walk. This way the fps drop will decrease. When we fight with the enemies the Fps shutters during explosion or a large attack, That is an obvious this to take place, Even the fastest of fast mobile experience some lag. Do not worry.
5) Avoid Multiple Tasks:
Genshin Impact is a large game. There has never been many mobile games larger than 5 GB. The game and its content is very big. The game like these are very hard to handle for a Mobile device. Lot of Ram is consumed while running of the game. With this much load on the mobile, If you make a mistake to run Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, Telegram etc on the background. The game will not even be able to run on 5 Fps. Every time before you open the game be sure that all you are app notification is turned off and none of the apps are running on your background. By doing, so I assure you will surely gain 5-10+ fps
6) Disable Battery Saver:
Battery savers are designed in such a way that, The Mobile device will limit its performance so that the life of the battery will be more. Only for the battery to last 5 minutes longer than usual, You should not turn the battery save on. Battery saver will just limit mobile for performing way badly then it is originally capable of. Restrict the use of battery saver when you are gaming.
I hope this article will surely help you on increasing the Fps then you are getting before. I am a hundred percent sure that your mobile will perform better after applying these processes. IF this article was helpful, Be sure to share this article among your friend and family who is really in need of Fps boot for their devices. If any of the above problem was damaging your process then be sure to remove or terminate those problem form your devices.
Be sure to leave a comment if this article was helpful to you in any means. I am always helpful and will surely reply to all of your comments and solve your problems as well
Thanks for lag fix